questioning current stakes of pharmaceuticals in Africa
26-29 Mar 2018 Ouidah (Benin)

The symposium briefly...

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This scientific meetings taked place in march the 26th to 29th 2018, in the city of Ouidah (next to Cotonou), Benin.

Through this international colloquium, we have discussed the multiple stakes surrounding pharmaceuticals in Africa today, with particular consideration of their markets, the political and economic actors which they mobilize, related instruments of regulation, control and competition, modes of health care in which they are placed, and finally their modes of consumption by individuals, without losing sight of the adaptation of "traditional medicines" to the evolution of economic models. Regulation, with its broad sense of norms actually at play, legislative, biomedical, technical and commercial, seems to transverse these various questions and was thus be widely considered.

Four inescable conferences

1- Historical approach to the stakes of pharmaceuticals in Africa
Speaker : Noémie Tousignant, historian and anthropologist (University of Montréal, University McGill)
Incorporer le médicament et l’histoire en Afrique

2- Technical approach to the stakes of pharmaceuticals in Africa
Speaker : Sudip Chaudhuri, economist (Indian Institute of Management Calcutta)
The possibility of promoting local production of pharmaceuticals in Africa

3- Emerging stakes of pharmaceuticals in Africa
Speaker : Abou-Bakari Imorou, anthropologist (University of Abomey Calavi, Lasdel)
Consommation émergente de "performants" et "d'augmentants", réflexions à partir d'une étude conduite
dans le Nord du Bénin

4- Political stakes of pharmaceuticals in Africa
Speaker : Germán Velásquez, Spécial Adviser for Health and Development (South Centre, Geneva)
Access to medicines and Intellectual Property Rights: Global problem, international context, challenges and solutions

See all the programme...




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Place - Time - Contact

The symposium " Regulations, Markets, Health " 2018 take place in the IRSP to Ouidah.

route des Esclaves - Ouidah - Benin

From March, monday 26 at 13:00
to March, thursday 29 to 12:30

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